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servizi di


Centro La Famiglia est le premier centre de consultation familiale à Rome et a été fondé en 1966. Notre mission est de fournir des services de counsultants professionnels qualifiés ouverts à tous et de assurer la promotion humaine et la relation d’aide dans les aspects de l’information, la prévention, l’éducation et la formation.


Nos services sont offerts:

  • our les individus, les couples et les familles pour améliorer la communication et et promouvoir le developpement positif vers plus mure et conscient rapports interpersonnel;

  • par des professionnels préparés et de grande expérience dans les relations interpersonnelles et familiales;

  • dans le respect de la personne, de ses libertè et croyances sans distinction de race, religion, nationalité, sexe et age;

  • dans le secret professional absolu.


Centro La Famiglia is the first family counseling in Rome and was founded in in 1966. Our mission is to provide qualified professional counseling services open to everyone and assure human promotion and helping relationship also in the aspects of information, prevention, education  and training.


Our services are provided:

  • to individuals, couples and family to improve communication and relationship skill and to help in resolving conflicts and create healthier relationships;

  • by trained professionals and specialist well experienced in interpersonal and family relationships.


Our professional counselor will:

  • assist you in addressing whatever may concern you and work togheter with you to reach a better understanding of yourself and of your concens;

  • consider your personal concerns with full respect of your person and belefs regardless of race, religion, national origin, sex and age.

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